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With 5.9L (V8-360) Engine (Exhaust) With 6.6L (V8-401) Engine (Exhaust) With 3.8L (6-232) Engine With Valve Rotators With 4.2L (6-258) Engine With Valve Rotators (Exhaust)
With 4.2L (6-258) Engine With Studded Rocker With 4.2L Engine With Studded Rock Arm Bridge 2 Required
2 Required per Valve
With 5.9L (V8-360) Engine With 6.6L (V8-401) Engine With 4.2L Engine 5/16"-18 X 1-3/8" Flanged Bolt
Export model
.66 "diametro interior
1971/1974 - Intake Valve 1975/1979 - Intake or Exhaust Valve
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