Silenciador 86/89

Jeep | XJ Cherokee | Escape (Silenciador, cola, catalizador)

Referencia substituye #: 83502646

Motor: 2.5L, 4.0L
With 2.5L Engine
With 4.0L Engine
Oval Style
if Sold As A Complete Unit With Tailpipe Use P/n 83502645
Muffler Only Is 83502646, Tailpipe Is 83502645

Fabricante: Crown
Peso: 5.58 kg
Medida embalaje: 286 x 121 x 635 mm
Garantía: 24 meses

E0022502, 8983503452, 8983503451, 8983502656, 83503452, 83503451, 83502656, 52003985

disponible: No
158,00 € IVA incl.



Marca Modelo Adecuado Motor
Jeep XJ Cherokee 1986/1989 2.5 L AMC 150
Jeep XJ Cherokee 1987/1989 4.0 L AMC 242