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With 2.5L Engine With 15 Gallon Tank with Pump or with 4.2L Engine with Carburetor With 15 Gallon Tank without Pump
Motor: 2.5L, 4.0L
Motor: 2.5L
1987/1990 - With 4.2L Engine With 20 Gallon Tank Not OEM Style Must Be Modified 1991/1995 - With 2.5L or 4.0L Engine with 20 Gallon Tank Includes Fuel Pump
With 93" Wheelbase With 20 Gallon Tank Fuel Tank Vent Hose
3/8" Fuel Line Plastic
With 4.2L Engine with Carburetor With 15 Gallon Tank without Pump
With 2.5L Engine,w/ 20 Gallon Tank, U.s.,can.,ece With 2.5L Engine With 14.5 Gallon Tank In-tank Fuel Filter
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